Birmingham Christian Family Magazine
Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.
About Us
Read about Good News in our community! Birmingham Christian Family magazine exists to share with the community the Good News of Jesus Christ and help businesses grow through advertising. As a part of our mission, Birmingham Christian Family seeks to provide our readers and followers with a highly visible product filled with quality editorial that provides a perfect venue for advertisers to share their message and receive results from their advertising efforts.Read in print and online relevant news on entertainment, healthy living, parenting and inspirational literature as well as what individuals and organizations are doing to address the needs of the family. Free monthly issues are available on line as well as at high traffic locations like Publix, Piggly Wiggly, Chick-fil-A, physician offices, hospitals, family focused events, fitness centers and more. On-line you will find a valuable archive of inspiring stories, family information by topic and a continually updated calendar of family friendly events. Birmingham Christian Family magazine is a part of The Christian Family Publication, Inc. which includes similar publications in other communities in Alabama and Tennessee.
Rep/Contact Info

Laurie Franklin
- Phone: (205) 408-7150